Friday, February 27, 2015

Blue and Black Dress or White and Gold Dress?

A picture took the internet or 'broke' the internet with "What color is this dress?"

When I logged in to Facebook this morning, I've seen the photo twice and didn't think much of it, but then more and more posts about it came out...friends keep posting the same and asking the same thing "what color is the dress?"...

To's clearly BLUE AND BLACK!! 

But some people think otherwise..and my first thought of people who said it's white and gold was just messing around. It's just a silly thing. but the more I read comments and posts, the more I get intrigue and dragged into...LOL.

I copied the photo and showed to my boyfriend, his answer was 'blue and gold'..well that's new.
But he wasn't alone. Some friends say so too. But the thing that gets me are the ones who said it's 'white and gold'...I mean 'How?' can you see that? It's clearly BLUE AND BLACK! 

There are those who said "this morning it's white and it's black and blue" or vice versa...
Really? FOR REAL?? It changed? Are you looking at the same photo?? Are you just messing around??

So ok, maybe we have different resolutions on our computer or smartphone, laptop, etc...
But I showed the picture on my phone to my brother and parents and they say it's white and gold!
Noooooooo!! It drove me nuts! I don't really get myself into something silly like this...but, this is indeed is crazy! I feel like i'm the crazy one..not that I'm not, but having the whole family seeing it's white and gold and not blue and black makes me feel like I'm totally the weird one!

There are theories about why the color appears different to people.

One theory was this (taken from 'BradTheLadLong) : who says it's an experiment, and emotions plays a part on it!

So, emotions play a part on it? According to this, I'm having some kind of negative event in my life, thus seeing the dress as blue and black. Hmmm. This is somewhat untrue..and turns out, this was just a scam (I read).

And then, there's another one came out...

So this says the brains play part of it. Could be.. I saw blue and black, thus I'm right brained..that said I'm generally creative and imaginative, favoring the arts...thats true. I like arts. I have huge imaginations and creative. But wait...what about those who saw it 'blue and gold?' Is that mean they both-brained? or those who first saw it white gold, now sees it differently? How does that explained it?

The matter still goes on. And this (I would say memes) came out..

Haha..but no. I've been on both side looking at the picture, and still sees blue and black. One of my cousin say she still sees it as white and gold, being hungry and not. So yeah, whoever did this, theory debunked. LOL.

I'm not sure if this craziness has been fully explained, but I read a lot of those explanations, eyes playing tricks, brain playing tricks..whatever it brain is tired trying to figure it out! And I'm gonna let it go. For real. This happen. I got into it, and I'm letting it go.

It was a good drama that a lot of people got into. I'd like to see some other stuff thats not as crazy tomorrow...ahaaa...

 Found this, and it cracked me! 

Monday, February 2, 2015

Esmee Denters enters The Voice UK 2015!


I was on YouTube, listening to Maxwell's "This Woman's Work" (originally Kate Bush's), when I click on a guy singing the song on The Voice UK. He was good. And on the left side, I saw a name I recognize..Esmee Denters! I didn't know she was going for The Voice this year!  She sang "Yellow" by Coldplay for her blind auditions. I got to be honest, I've heard her better than this, but she still got it. She is so confident on the stage. I truly believe she is meant to be a singer.

Esmee's singing 'Yellow' for her blind audition 

She was confident on the stage, and really know how to work it. I was on the edge of my seat when she was on the last verse of her song and not a chair turned. I was hoping either Will or Rita will turn. I was nervous, I could only imagine how she felt at that moment. Being someone who passionate about music as much as her, I wanted this for her. I was surprised when they all turned! This is GOOD! I feel that after what she had gone through, she needed this to boost her back into the music scene. The rest are hard work, but I believe with her experience, she can give her best.

Seeing the first minute of her clips was heartbreaking. I mean for someone who have had the taste of being in the music industry and the fame and things slowly slipping off in a matter of short time, that she now working on a yogurt shop to support herself. From working with Justin Timberlake, going on tour with him, having a top 10 song on the chart, and then back to just uploading videos on Youtube and working on normal hours. But like she said, 'It's music business'. it's about selling stuff as well. She's not alone on this though. Many (one time) artists have tried to make a come back through shows like The Voice and I also catch some on American Idol. The music world is tough. You get compliments, you get critiques, people supporting as well as people trying to bring you down. It's not just about having voice, and/or looks but also having someone to support you as fans to keep you on top of the scene. Being in the situation where one minute she's on the top and the next she's struggling to maintain her career, has truly humbled her. An experience learnt.

First song of Esmee that got me hooked!
Singing "Irreplaceable" by Beyonce 

I remember the first time I heard of Esmee. I was learning Beyonce's song "Irreplaceable" on Youtube and came across Esmee's acapella cover of it. She was young and pretty and sounded so sweet. I was hooked on her voice and went to watch her other videos. Most of her early videos was acapella and I liked it. It really showed how talented she was then. She also played music tracked and sing along. One of my favorite song and she sang it so sweetly. I did this song recently, but not as sweet as this!

Esmee singing "Like A Star" by Corinne Bailey Rae 

This would be my definite favorite of her covers. "It Will Rain" by Bruno Mars. Her voice and the feelings was totally connected. Maybe I was just on an emotional state when I first heard of this song sung by her, but listening to it again now, it still sounded the same and I still have the feelings like the first time I heard of her. She does know how to put on emotional feelings on her singing, and she definitely can sing slow emotional ballad songs and not just the upbeat-lets-dance pop songs.

Esmee covering "It Will Rain" by Bruno Mars"

Her videos have a lot of views, and was lucky enough to be discovered by Justin Timberlake! I mean that is huge! Not ALL talented singer get the exposure of being viewed, let alone being discovered. And that is how having a huge group of fans can help your music career. Having your song shared on media social is (in my opinion) important if you are serious about having a career in this business. The path that she choose has given her a lot of experience and opportunities. Being an artist is not just having a voice and (or) looks and lookin' sexy on the music videos, but it also comes with hard work, and be wise, so you don't get dubbed by some agency who is only milking your money and left you with 5 minute fame or nothing at all.

Esmee Denters ft Justin Timberlake on "Love Dealer" 

I loved when this video was out. This was (and still is) a good pop song. Looking at her at that moment and remembering how I first known that girl was singing in her bedroom, and now working on studios and making a video with the very sexy Justin Timberlake, this was truly a success. Indeed something to be look back and say that was an amazing experience, I did that, and that was definitely one of the highlight of my life... I know I would say something like that! 

Esmee's latest original song "Anything For The Money"

Esmess had been doing projects and putting herself out there to keep on promoting her music. She has been independent since 2013, but still going on performing here and there. Entering 'The Voice' was a good move, although it could hurt her career (if she lost on the battles) but in other hands could also help her out. Whatever the outcome of the show brings her, it shows that she never give up on her dreams and passion. She has always had it in her, and now that she is older (and wiser), I believe she will not waste on this opportunity, to reinvent herself and be a better singer. One thing for sure about this show, is that with the help of the mentors, the contestant always bring their best, and it amazes me how much growth they got in a week or so. 

It will definitely be interesting to watch and listen to her competing with other experienced singer and also new fresh comer. I don't have the UK channel here, but thank to Youtube that connects to people around the world, I could at least follow her through that. 

Best of luck to the lovely and talented Esmee Denters. Win or lose, she had come so far in her life, 
I am inspired to do something about mine..hehe.

Check out on Esmee Denters videos on Youtube: