Friday, February 27, 2015

Blue and Black Dress or White and Gold Dress?

A picture took the internet or 'broke' the internet with "What color is this dress?"

When I logged in to Facebook this morning, I've seen the photo twice and didn't think much of it, but then more and more posts about it came out...friends keep posting the same and asking the same thing "what color is the dress?"...

To's clearly BLUE AND BLACK!! 

But some people think otherwise..and my first thought of people who said it's white and gold was just messing around. It's just a silly thing. but the more I read comments and posts, the more I get intrigue and dragged into...LOL.

I copied the photo and showed to my boyfriend, his answer was 'blue and gold'..well that's new.
But he wasn't alone. Some friends say so too. But the thing that gets me are the ones who said it's 'white and gold'...I mean 'How?' can you see that? It's clearly BLUE AND BLACK! 

There are those who said "this morning it's white and it's black and blue" or vice versa...
Really? FOR REAL?? It changed? Are you looking at the same photo?? Are you just messing around??

So ok, maybe we have different resolutions on our computer or smartphone, laptop, etc...
But I showed the picture on my phone to my brother and parents and they say it's white and gold!
Noooooooo!! It drove me nuts! I don't really get myself into something silly like this...but, this is indeed is crazy! I feel like i'm the crazy one..not that I'm not, but having the whole family seeing it's white and gold and not blue and black makes me feel like I'm totally the weird one!

There are theories about why the color appears different to people.

One theory was this (taken from 'BradTheLadLong) : who says it's an experiment, and emotions plays a part on it!

So, emotions play a part on it? According to this, I'm having some kind of negative event in my life, thus seeing the dress as blue and black. Hmmm. This is somewhat untrue..and turns out, this was just a scam (I read).

And then, there's another one came out...

So this says the brains play part of it. Could be.. I saw blue and black, thus I'm right brained..that said I'm generally creative and imaginative, favoring the arts...thats true. I like arts. I have huge imaginations and creative. But wait...what about those who saw it 'blue and gold?' Is that mean they both-brained? or those who first saw it white gold, now sees it differently? How does that explained it?

The matter still goes on. And this (I would say memes) came out..

Haha..but no. I've been on both side looking at the picture, and still sees blue and black. One of my cousin say she still sees it as white and gold, being hungry and not. So yeah, whoever did this, theory debunked. LOL.

I'm not sure if this craziness has been fully explained, but I read a lot of those explanations, eyes playing tricks, brain playing tricks..whatever it brain is tired trying to figure it out! And I'm gonna let it go. For real. This happen. I got into it, and I'm letting it go.

It was a good drama that a lot of people got into. I'd like to see some other stuff thats not as crazy tomorrow...ahaaa...

 Found this, and it cracked me! 

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