Wednesday, January 28, 2015

Like A Star (Cover)

Second song of the year!
Not really satisfied of this singing, but it's a after-midnight-singing anyway... tired but can't this is the result. And the video is a little out of sync with the music track... can't figure out how to sync it without having to lip sync it on a recorded audio first, and why is it like it. Outdated flash? Old laptop? I probably should ask the

Anywho, loveee this song. Corinne Bailey Rae wrote the song herself. I like that this song was a reflection of her love to his late husband. Definitely one of my fav song to sing! I may record it again someday. a better recording.

But for now..Here it is.

Song: Like A Star
Artist: Corinne Bailey Rae
Cover by: Scillz
Just Press Play


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Friday, January 9, 2015

Are You Lonesome Tonight (Cover)

My first song of the year!
And of a loooooooooooong time!
This new year, I'm going back to my roots of passion - singing. I've been neglecting my gifts and kind of forget it. So I made a goal to record 100 songs this year!...wheww.....ok..
This first song is not really what I had in mind, but it was kind of perfect at the same time. Had a rough time with my relationship on the early new year and this was a perfect song to let out some of the emotions. I choose Elvis -"Are You Lonesome Tonight".. first, because Jan 8 was Elvis's birthday and so is mine. Second, because it was a lonely sad birthday, and the song spoke to me when i heard the tune.

I had sore throat for a week and just got my voice I hope it sounds good...hehe.Enjoy.

Song: Are You Lonesome Tonight
Artist: Elvis Presley
Cover by: Scillz
Just Press Play

*If you are a member of SingSnap and wish to comment, click HERE.

Thursday, January 1, 2015

Happy New Year 2015!

Wooootttt Happy New Year Peepers!
This year is going to be a challenging yet rewording (hopefully) year. I have something in mind involving someone...hmmmmm
Anywho..I started the year with a bad, baaaaaad sore throat!
Ughh,.I probably spit a glass of saliva coz I refused to swallow it. My throat is so swollen, can't even drink water. Though I forced myself to drink, I feel that its only getting worse! Yikes! Haven't eat all day and I'm so hungry..and the smell of yummy soup from the restaurant next door is not helping! I be damned if I don't shed some weight after
my brother said 'Your first sickness of the year..get it?'..pffff...

Anyway, I guess that would be my first whine of the
Carry on...

So what's new about this year to you?
Are you going to keep on "trying" to achieve your goals last year, which was the year before goals?
hey, nothing wrong with keep on achieving goals..but if it has been years that the goal is still the same, you might want to rethink a new strategy for it, or in some cases, do it and no procrastination. If your goal is to shed some weight..and by all means do so. Give yourself a timeline to do so. And don't go crazy to lose more than you think you can, unless you really put your heart in it..

My goal for my health is to shed some weight..and this time I made a bet with my sister who wants to do the same thing. I bet with her with was included in this business. Whoever fails to lose weight will have to pay the other 50. If both of us failed, then we will give our mother 50 each. So she will get 100 by the end of the year, which we will meet again (she works at different state)..but hopefully, i won the bet..hehe

Having said that, I have set 5 years goal for losing weight. And each year I will only shed 5kg.. which is attainable. Setting your goals higher that what you can achieve is most likely why goals fails. Unless you have full committed over it. weather you signed up for gym membership, or hire a trainer, or like in my case bet money that you can do it, then do it! Do what's long been postponed and forgotten.

And this goes to every goals you want to achieve on the new year too. Think what you want in 5 years to come. Hows your financial going to be like? Do you have debt? will you be free from it? Hows your relationship will be? going to get marry? have children? Is your career stepping up on the next level? Write down what you want in life. Financial, relationship, career,life..all the essential things that are important and relevant to you.

Write down, how it will be in 5 years. Then write down what you can do in one year in order to achieve it. Want to lose weight? start by eating healthy, then work you way to exercise. Write down the plans that can help to achieve your goals. want to be debt free in 5 years? what ways can you work to get extra money? Write your plans in a month and see how it works for you. If nothing changes, it doesn't mean it don't work. Some things needs more time for result to show.

The important thing is that you tried and make an effort over it. It's better than saying I want this and that, and hoping it magically done for you. Life doesn't work like that. Life wants you to make an effort. Life wants you to try. Life wants you to work for your desire. The challenges that comes are the ones that will make you strong and wiser.

Start slowly, one step at a time. I wanted to do a lot of thing but I learn that if you put both of your legs forward, you can't move. So take things slowly. But do it. Do what you mean to do. Have faith that things will work out for you. You fear coz you don't know what it is, well take that chance. You be surprise that it's not as bad as what your head is telling you. You'll never know until you try.

So I hope this new year will bring you more peace and love. Prayer for those who are not fortunate enough to have family members to be around and for those who are struggling, may your days be filled with blessings and joy. Be a good person and spread more love..

Cheers :)